What special equipment is needed to run the Visual Performance Training System on my computer?
You need to wear your contact lenses or distance glasses with a pair of 3-D red and blue glasses. A gaming joystick is optional for some activities. Your computer or tablet needs to be connected to the internet and have an operating system of Windows 7, 8, or 10 or Mac OS X. The system works best when used indoors in dim, ambient lighting free from glare.
How long do the sessions last?
Each athlete is given a certain number of sessions. They will be asked to do the customized exercises between 1 - 3 times a week. Each session lasts for up to 20 minutes (but usually 8 - 12 minutes). It may be suggested to do sessions for 6 -16+ weeks.
When will I start to see improvement with my sport?
Typically, athletes notice improvement after 2 - 4 weeks of training. Some athletes may notice a significant improvement and some may notice only a subtle improvement. It can be difficult to predict how much improvement someone may have, but we want to give our athletes every possible advantage.
What if the exercises start to feel too easy?
Like any exercise, variables may need to be adjusted to make the exercises more difficult. You will have the ability to adjust target size, speed, difficulty, and length of training depending on the activity.
When is the best time to do these exercises?
Some athletes feel it is a great advantage to do the exercises before they play to “warm up” their visual system; other athletes find the exercises fatiguing, which may interfere with your game for a short period of time. We suggest, after doing a few sessions, to try the exercises before a practice and see if you feel any benefit. Some athletes prefer to do work out of season and some find it more beneficial to do in season. Our team can work with you to customize the best timing for your needs.
Once I stop the training, will I need to re-start it or do a maintenance program?
Once learned, these skills are not lost unless you should have some neurological change such as a concussion or stroke. We suggesting continuing the program as long as improvements are made. Some athletes will re-start the program months or years after they first utilized it to boost there vision response or to “warm up” before big games.
I think it's so important. Everyone does dynamic warm ups and loosens up their muscles and for a golie it's huge to get your eyes going and involved in everything and focused and working on tracking. I developed it into a routine I can rely on, so that come game day I already know exactly what I am going to do and it keeps it simple. Kevin Woodley (Ice Hockey) quoted in InGoal Magazine (4/2/2012)
This Performance Training program is the icing on the cake for many athletes I work with looking to improve and go to the next level. When my soccer athletes use the program they are able to see opportunities better than before, they can make the best choices faster and help all players react quicker which is especially important for goal keepers. For the amount of time you put in using it, it’s a huge payout. The game comes down to feet and inches, and if you are that much quicker and recognize opportunities, you’ll be better. Kelli Robison (professional soccer player and sports strength and conditioning trainer)